Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The weather was beautiful yesterday so we decided to go to Big Bear Lake and have a cookout! We went to Glen's, where I got a $25 gift card for transferring a prescription, and used that to buy our picnic supplies. Here's what we got:

Ripe bananas are always $0.29 a pound, wrapped in red tape as you can see. Strawberries were $1.69. We're spoiled on Ball Park Angus Beef Franks, which I used to get cheap at Giant Eagle, but they cost $4.49 full price here. I talked Dan into trying some Oscar Mayer Beef Natural franks that were a manager's special at $1.99, but we bought the Ball Parks too just in case the Oscar Mayers turned out to be a bad choice. (They were great, by the way, and I wish I would have gotten more!) The pretzels were $2.99, and hot dog buns were $0.99. Of course, we had to get two packs of hot dog buns since we got two packs of hot dogs! Value Time marshmallows were $1.29 for a pound bag, and Hersheys chocolate was $3 for 6 bars. There was a coupon attached to the chocolate for 75 cents off. Cherry Coke was $1.34 with a 10 cent bottle deposit. I also noticed some Hot Apple Pie coffee on clearance for 75 cents so I got that to try sometime. The total came to $20.36, which we paid for with the gift card. So actually all that stuff was FREE! And we still have $5.39 on the card to spend next time!

While we were in town, we went to Walgreens to pick up a few things too. First we paid $4 for the Dove shampoo (plus $0.24 tax), and got a $4 Register Rewards coupon. Next transaction was Tums on sale for $3.99 and two cans of mushrooms on sale with an in-ad coupon for $.50 each. Total with tax came to $5.23, used the $4 RR coupon and paid $1.23. I got another $1 RR for buying the Tums, so I bought two more cans of mushrooms for FREE. This is what I bought for $5.47.

Not bad, I think, considering I'm not even using coupons. I probably could have made money if I had some Dove and Tums coupons, in which case I would have stocked up! But one of each is fine for now.

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